Research Projects

The Digital Footprint Project

Much of what we know about sexual violence has not yet considered the role of technology and social media. In the last decade, several accounts of sexual violence that have included non-consensual recordings and videos that are distributed online have emerged. Victimization experiences now include a public witnessing and a digital archiving of abuse, but current legal protections often leave survivors with little recourse or support to remove their images from the internet. An understudied phenomenon, this three-part study includes:

  • Study 1: A media analysis of DDSV cases, including the development of a novel database

  • Study 2: Written and verbal interviews with stakeholders and subject matter experts

  • Study 3: Written and verbal interviews with survivors who have a lived experience of DDSV

This study is survivor and trauma-informed, scientifically rigorous, confidential and all of the research activities are voluntary. We offers multiple ways to participate and different kinds of compensation so you can select the opportunity that is right for you.

A Selection of Writing

Peer reviewed articles

  • Baćak, V., Štulhofer, A., & Bright, K. (2023). The role of mental health and delinquent behaviors in the cycle of sexual violence among Croatian adolescents: a longitudinal exploration with replication. Archives of sexual behavior, 52(7), 2735-2747

  • Baćak, V., Wilson, L., & Bright, K. (2021). Gendered association between sexual self-identification and police encounters perceived as unfair. Annals of Epidemiology, 63, 41-45.

  • Rothman, E. F., Farrell, A., Paruk, J., Bright, K., Bair-Merritt, M., & Preis, S. R. (2021). Evaluation of a multi-session group designed to prevent commercial sexual exploitation of minors: The “my life my choice” curriculum. Journal of interpersonal violence, 36 (19-20), 9143-9166.

  • Baćak, V., Bright, K., & Wilson, L. (2020). “Gender-affirmative housing in jails and prisons.” The Lancet Public Health, 5(7), e373–e373. 

  • Farrell, A., Bright, K., de Vries, I., Pfeffer, R., & Dank, M. (2020). “Policing labor trafficking in the United States.” Trends in Organized Crime, 23(1), 36-56.

  • Rothman, E., Preis, S., Bright, K., Paruk, J., Bair-Merritt, M., & Farrell, A. (2020). “A Longitudinal Evaluation of a Survivor-Mentor Program for Child Survivors of Sex Trafficking in the United States.” Child Abuse and Neglect, 100, 104083.

  • Rothman, E., Farrell, A., Bright, K., & Paruk, J. (2018). “Ethical and Practical Considerations for Collecting Research-Related Data from Commercially Sexually Exploited Children.” Human Trafficking and Health, special issue of Behavioral Medicine, 44(3): 250-258.

  • Farrell, A., Pfeffer, R., & Bright, K. (2015). "Police perceptions of human trafficking.” Journal of Crime and Justice, 38(3): 315-333.

Public Writing and Technical Reports   

  • Core study contributor. (2023). In Harm’s Way: How Systems Fail Human Trafficking Survivors: Survey Results from the First National Survivor Study. Polaris Project.  Link to report.

  • Bright, K. (2020). Love, Sex (dolls) and Robots in the Age of Coronavirus. The Society Pages. Link here

  • Bright, K., Wilson, L., & Bacak, V. (2020). Open your eyes to how transgender people are policed. NY Daily News. Link here

  • Wilson, L., Bright, K., & Bacak, V. (2020). Wilson, L., Bright, K., & Bacak, V. (2020). Perceptions of Public Safety Among Justice-Involved LGBTQ Persons. Newark Public Safety Collaborative Report. Newark, New Jersey. 

  • Owens, C., Dank, M., Breaux, J., Bañuelos, I., Farrell, A., Pfeffer, R., Bright, K., Heitsmith, R & McDevitt, J. (2014). Understanding the organization, operation, and victimization process of labor trafficking in the United States. National Institute of Justice. NCJRS #NCJ248461.

Book Chapters

  • Goldblatt-Grace, L., Bright, K., Corbett, A., & Morrissey, A. (2018). “Preventing the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: The My Life My Choice Model.” In A. Nichols, T. Edmond, & E. Heil, Eds. Social Work Practice with Survivors of Sex Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation. New York, NY: Columbia University Press. 

  • Farrell, A., & Bright, K. "Human Trafficking" (2016). The Handbook of Measurement Issues in Criminology and Criminal Justice, 111-130.